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aren't we hungry for additional? In our time you or your daughter can also enjoy these beautiful Bratz girls in the internet; Bratz internet dress up and makeover games can offer much more fun than the traditional doll.Mermaids Dress Up Who of girls hasn't dream about being a mermaid? let's go down in the crawl space for a little while and.." You get the picture; it's just not the favorite part of the average persons' home But it is an important place into which I must willingly and gallantly venture in the performance of my professional duties as a Home Inspector Now don't get me wrong I don't relish the thought of being bitten by anything really but especially not a Brown Recluse spider These spiders can be found in places other than crawl spaces But it's usually there.in darkness and separated from the outside world that I sometimes think about them (and other potential local hazards) and am usually in a heightened state of alert for any creature that might be observing me while I am making my observations.it's the things we don't see or hear that often impart the most fear in us is it notSo why should you be concerned about Brown Recluse spiders Because.they can be living with you in and around your home The potential for you to come in contact with one is real It's better to be educated and informed than.bitten Agreed Good How can you visually identify a Brown Recluse spider A large Brown Recluse is something a bit larger in size than a penny Typically they are light to medium brown although they range in color from cream-colored to dark brown or a blackish-gray Their most readily identifiable feature is the presence of a violin-shaped marking on their back with the neck of the violin pointing toward the rear of their body It's this marking that has led to nicknames having been given the Recluse such as the "fiddle back spider" and the "violin spider" It is noteworthy that other spiders have similar markings so such a marking is not absolutely reliable insofar as identification is concerned Another distinguishing trait of the Brown Recluse is that it has three sets of two eyes at the front of its head for a total of six eyes; most spiders have eight eyes Are they indigenous to my part of the country Brown Recluse spiders are native to the Midwest states such as Nebraska Iowa Illinois Indiana and Ohio and south to the Gulf of Mexico They are also found in Texas and east from there to Georgia and north to Kentucky They are known to exist elsewhere as well likely as the result of traveling along with humans in their travels [Authors note: I know they live in North Carolina because I've seen em'.the little buggers] For more information on the Brown Recluse in North Carolina visit the website of the North Carolina Nature Center Will they try to attack me or chase me No they will not They don't seek out human contact and will only bite if they are disturbed feel threatened and are in contact with your skin They can "jump" slightly if touched but this movement is based in avoidance rather than aggression Why are they potentially dangerous Because they are venomous.poisonous A bite from a Recluse will be very uncomfortable at the very best.and fatal at the very worst (although this is very very rare) The majority of bites are not exceptionally serious but as with many dangers the very young the elderly and those with a compromised immune system are at the greatest risk for more severe complications Where might you find a Brown Recluse spider around my home Recluse spiders like to reside in many of the same places you like to hang out within your home They can be found in closets garages carports basements wood piles (well maybe you don't hang out in your wood pile).just about any location where it is reasonably dry and generally undisturbed They can also be potentially found in shoes gloves behind base-boards behind pictures in the bedding of little used beds in stacked or folded clothing and in clothes that have been piled or placed on the floor Many reported bites have been immediately after putting on clothes that have been lying on the floor or otherwise disturbing the spiders who have taken up residence in such isolated areas How might you know if you have been bitten by a Recluse A bite may be readily apparent but this is not always the case Some bites can go undetected for as much as 24 hours Often the bitten area begins to itch and be painful within 2 - 8 hours and these effects worsen and become more pronounced over the subsequent 12 to 36 hours In extreme cases the site of the bite can swell in size to 10 inches or more and the areas can become ulcerated and where skin tissue is actually destroyed (a condition medically described as necrosis for which there is no established treatment) and that can result in scarring of the skin In very rare instances the venomous bite can cause a systemic reaction (one that effects the entire body) where side-effects can include nausea vomiting muscle and joint pain fever and rashes So what should you do if you know or suspect that you have been bitten by a Recluse You should provide or seek proper medical care just as soon as you exhibit any local or systemic symptoms Following prudence and common sense as with the care of any injury or skin damage the area should be cleaned and should be maintained in a clean dry condition to every extent possible; every effort should be put forth to avoid infection Something that can be done initially is to apply an ice pack to control swelling Aloe-Vera can be applied to soothe the area and control pain And of course you should seek professional medical attention A tetanus shot may be prescribed The offending spider could be carefully caught and saved in a jar or other container to provide evidence to medical staff but again the bites often go undetected so this may not be possible Since there are potentially serious medical consequences of having been bitten by a Brown Recluse spider and since it is desirable to avoid such a bite then the best defense is a good offense (to use an unrelated sports metaphor) The effective offense comes from being educated about the possibilities of a spider bite and in being informed about potential consequences and appropriate courses of action It's important to know how to minimize the chance of an encounter with a Brown Recluse eg checking your shoes gloves and other clothing before putting them on and knowing where they like to hide out so that you can be more observant and cognizant regarding their potential presence And.it's important to know what to do if you suspect that you may have been bittenAs for myself.as I 'm crawlin' around under a house I'll just hope that a snake has already eaten em'.or somethin' if you will.. and so forth. 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